Ft Lauderdale Historical Society Founder’s Celebration at our historic campus along the downtown Riverwalk


         A sold out crowd enjoyed a festive evening of cocktails, food, music, and dancing under the beautiful tropical moon.
This year’s honorees were: Businesses that Built Greater Fort Lauderdale, multi-generational companies that fostered our economic growth, served our community, and transformed our area into a world class destination within the past 100 years.

At the event special recognition was given to Rogers Morris Zeigler, McLaughlin Engineering, Causeway Lumber, Maus & Hoffman, Broward Marine, Lauderdale Marina, Drum Realty, Lago Mar Hotel & Resort, Hamill Tire, Kelley Law Firm, NSU, Tripp Scott, 15th Street Fisheries, Walker’s Grocery, Atlantic Litho, and Huizenga Holdings. 

Businesses that Built Greater Fort Lauderdale, edited and published by Fort Lauderdale Historical Society, contains biographies of over 80 businesses representing more than 5,000 years of continuous operations in South Florida. Each tells a unique story of pioneer spirit and can-do attitude. Historical Society is honored to bring these stories to life.

For 53 years Fort Lauderdale Historical Society has been the proud steward of our community’s past, making our irreplaceable heritage accessible and engaging. In addition to stewardship of historic buildings and collections, the Society annually provides educational programs for thousands of Broward school children, life-long learning for hundreds of residents, museum tours to visitors from around the world, and historical research library facilities for local schools, authors, and researchers.