April 27, 2016 Tournament presented by the Miami Marlins was another huge success netting over $30,000. More than 250 people with a host of celebrities came out to SpareZ Bowling Center in Davie rolling spares and strikes along with the guests as everyone celebrated a fun afternoon for a great cause.
Cliff was joined by former Marlins players Jeff Conine, Andre Dawson, Alex Gonzalez, Mike Lowell and Carl Pavano as well as several other former MLB and NFL players including Kim Bokamper, Greg Brown, Roger Cedeno, Juan Guzman, Sean Hill, Tommy Hutton, Terry Kirby, OJ McDuffie, James McKnight, Shannon Stewart and Rondell White. NSU Men’s Basketball standout Chris Page also served as a celebrity.
Major sponsors included All-Star Presenting Sponsor Miami Marlins; MVP Sponsors Market-America/Shop.com and Laurie Finkelstein Reader Real Estate Team; and Grand Slam Spon-sors A&T Dry Cleaners, Cardiovascular Specialists of South Florida, CEO Team, Cliff Floyd, Denison Yacht Sales and the Knight Foundation. Home Run Sponsors included Florida’s Greatest Barber Shop, Fox Sports Florida, Gold Coast Schools, Laurie Kardon’s Phanatics, Lee’s Locksmith and Bicycle Shop, Miami Dolphins, Nancy Olson Water Fitness, NSU Athlet-ics, NSU’s Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship, Roger Dean Stadium, Skye McSweeney, Sporty Mammas LLC and Shannon Stewart. Thanks also to Tommy Bahama and Sports Radio 560 WQAM for their support.
Congratulations to the winners: A & T Dry Cleaners, top team; London McSweeney (180), top female; RJ Weigers (275), top male; Blazing Paddles, best dressed; and Marlins RBI, most en-thusiastic.
The mission of the Cliff Floyd Foundation is to help at-risk youth. Cliff likes to call those at risk as his “cliffhangers.” His goal is to keep them from falling off the “cliff” and encourage them to be engaged in positive activities.
This year’s event once again supported RBI, Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities, a MLB youth program offering children ages 13 -18, the opportunity to participate in organized baseball. In addition, a portion of the proceeds will continue to fund two Cliff Floyd Foundation scholar-ships for the Nova Southeastern University Sport and Recreation Management students who played a major role in planning the tournament. Two NSU organizations, Student Athlete Advi-sory Committee and the Business of Sport Student Association, will also receive donations to foster their programs including a wish for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and professional de-velopment.
This year’s committee included Cliff Floyd, Mary Floyd, Craig Mish, Nancy Olson, Dr. Peter Finley, Dr. Jeffrey Fountain, Cameron Churchill, Steven Fleming, Kristofer Kelleher, Patrick Lillis, Alex Tabeek and Cameron Wylie.
To learn more about the Cliff Floyd Foundation, go to www.cff30.com.
- Jeff Conine, Andre Dawson, Alex Gonzalez, Mike Lowell and Carl Pavano as well as several other former MLB and NFL players including Kim Bokamper, Greg Brown, Roger Cedeno, Juan Guzman, Sean Hill, Tommy Hutton, Terry Kirby, OJ McDuffie, James McKnight, Shannon Stewart and Rondell White. NSU Men’s Basketball standout Chris Page
- Billy & fans
- SpareZ Staff
- Billy and the Energy Team
- Nancy Olson
- Billy @ SpareZ
- Billy on the Lanes
- Billy on the Lanes
- Billy
- Adam Ginsberg w/Tommy Bahama
- Nancy Olson & Cliff Floyd
- Oliver Boulin
- Billy & Ginny Fujino
- Will & Brandon Yates
- Brandon Yates
- Billie
- Billie
- Kristin Mrozinski, Ryan Joyce & Jodice Woody w/DeAnna McCutcheon
- Energy Team: Rob, Isabel, Jennifer & JP
- Energy Team: Rob, Isabel, Jennifer & JP
- Tommy Baham
- Nancy Olson & Cameron Wylie & Energy Team Dancers
- Energy Team: Rob, Isabel, Jennifer & JP
- Tommy Bahama – Renee Bellini
- Nancy Olson & Guests
- Cory Cody, Jordon Gonzalez & Eduardo Moreno
- Raffle
- Cliff Floyd
- Raffle
- Auction
- Auction
- Marlins Trophys
- ctured above are students from SPT 3150, Facility and Event Management; SPT 5930, Sport Fundraising and Event Strategies and Techniques; and student members of the Event Commit-tee. This group raised $5,000 more than 2015 by helping net $30,000 for the Cliff Floyd Foundation. Thanks to their hard work, donations have been made to the Marlins RBI (Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities), NSU Scholarships, Student Athlete Advisory Committee for Make-A-Wish and BSSA (Business of Sport Student Association). Congratulations to all!
- Cliff Floyd and bicycle winner
- Sean Hill & family
- Featured Cocktail
- Marlins RBI, most en-thusiastic
- London McSweeney (180), top female
- London McSweeney (180), top female
- Cliff Floyd & Nancy Olson
- Cliff Floyd
- Cliff Floyd
- Sporty Mammas LLC w/Cliff Floyd
- Shawn Beagle, Regan Beagle, Travis Beagle, Josephine Beagle & Cliff Floyd
- Cliff Floyd & Family
- Cliff Floyd & Family
- Cliff Floyd
- Cliff Floyd
- Cliff Floyd, Patrick Surtee
- Celebrity Bowlers
- Ginny Fujino, OJ McDuffie
- OJ McDuffie
- Juan Gusan
- Juan Guzman
- Juan Guzman, Cliff Floyd
- Juan Guzman & Andre Dawson
- Chris Page
- Chris Page
- Sean Hill
- Andre Dawson
- Tommy Hutton
- Jeff Conine
- Carl Pavano
- Alex Gonzalez
- Rondell White
- James McKnight
- Kim Bokamper
- Kim Bokamper