Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of Broward County
25th Annual Mother’s Day Luncheon
In celebrating the spirit of Mother’s day, Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies honored an outstanding group of individuals on May 3, 2017. The event was a huge success with record-breaking numbers in revenue from the premier sponsorships, live and silent auction, Gifts for the Babies and attendance. The funds raised are vital to our mission. The proceeds will benefit thousands of families and infants in need. Your donation will help make a difference in the life of a child and family.
These honorees have exemplify exceptional qualities of kindness, caring, sacrifice and generosity to children and the community. The celebrity hostess was Glenna Milberg; along with a live Auction conducted by Gordon Latz.
This year was the first year an honoree was presented with the 2017 Lefkow Legacy Award by the founder of the coalition RandeeLefkow. The award was given to Kimberly A. Gilmour. The 25th Anniversary Past Honoree Award was presented to Dr. Marietta Glazer. The following is a list of the 2017 Mothers of the YearMelidaAkiti, Mayor Joy Cooper, Margi Cross, Lynne Kunins, Cori Flam Meltzer, Sandra Moss, Cristina Pudwell and Beth Salamone.
In addition, Shanekqua Johnson Corbin who was a client of Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babiesas well as an honoree also received a $1000 scholarship as recognition from Upchurch Management, McDonald’s her employer. Dr. Peter Shulman, CEO of Pediatric Associates received the 2017 Father of the Year Award. The 2017 Guardian Angels Award went to Dr. Jacqueline Brill & Bruce Silverstein.
Marietta Glazer, M.D., 25th Anniversary Past Honoree stated, “I was very honored to be chosen as an honoree. Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies is an organization near to my heart. Babies are the future of our country and the agency does a great job from day one of pregnancy for a mother in need!”
Each year, Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies likes to surprise guests with an amazing SWAG bag as a thank you gift. In addition, this year, DynaTrap presented a donation, totaling over $68,800 in mosquito relief, at the Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies 25th Annual Mother’s Day Luncheon. Each trap provides mosquito protection within a half-acre radius for a total of approximately 275 acres of protection.
The Premier Event Sponsors were Signature Grand, Memorial Healthcare System, Moss Construction, HOPE South Florida, Inc., Pediatric Associates and Upchurch Management McDonald’s.
Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of Broward County is a non-profit, community based 501(c)3 organization founded in 1987, whose mission is to reduce infant deaths by strengthening families through a comprehensive approach to prenatal care, parenting, education and support services. For over twenty-five years, the agency has developed and implemented innovative programs and services for low-income pregnant and parenting families, focusing on zip codes at high risk of infant death, poor maternal/child health, and child endangerment. Learn more at www.hmhbbroward.org
For information, e-mail Lisa Egozi at LEgozi@hmhbbroward.org or call (954)765-0550 ext. 316
- Silent Auction
- Silent Auction
- HMHB Event Committee members
- Decor
- Awards
- Chef David DeLeon & Crisina Lane
- Madison, Jenny Mackie, Patty VanHeymingen & Christina Pwellud
- Silent Auction
- Ira & Marrietta Glazer
- Debbie Gold, Beth Solomon, Beth Tache & Carly Goelner
- Erika Garey & Susie Lewis
- Table Decor
- Table Decor
- Babette Ferre & Katie McCarthy
- Natalie Munoz, Amanda Heyden & Carly Aaron
- Michael & Susan Farver
- Michelle Reese, Michael & Susan Farver
- Katherine Moss, April Kirk & Amber VanBuren
- Anne Allen, Alice Harry & Lee Sheffield
- Sandra Moss & family & Friends
- Kimberly A. Gilmour (center) 2017 Lifetime Legacy Award
- Michelle Reese, Bob & Sandra Moss and family
- Lynne Kunins – 2017 Woman of the Year
- Michelle Reese, Dr. Peter Shulman, 2017 Father of the Year
- Glenna Milberg & Michelle Reese
- Michelle Reese
- Michelle Reese
- Kimberly A. Gilmour
- Michelle Reese & Marietta Glazer – 2017 Mother of the Year
- Beth Salamone
- Cristina Pudwell
- Melida Akiti
- Cori Flam Meltzer
- Michelle Reese, Cori Flam Meltzer
- Mayor Joy Cooper
- Marietta & Ira Glazer
- Committee Members
- Kimberly Gilmour
- Marietta Glazer
- Melida Akiti
- Mayor Joy Cooper
- Margi Cross
- Shanekqua Corbin
- Lynn Kunins
- Cori Flam Meltzer
- Sandra S. Moss
- Cristina Pudwell
- Beth Salamone
- Glenna Milberg & Gordon Latz.
- Susan Lewis, Lani Mondek, Marissa Pacitti
- Sandra Moss & Family Friends
- Sandra Moss & Family & Friends
- Kimberly Gilmour
- Michelle Reese, Kimberly Gilmour & Randee Lefkow
- Michelle Reese, Marietta & Ira Glazer
- Michelle Reese & Shanekqua Corbin & family
- Lily Pardo
- Dessert, YUM
- DynaTrap presented a donation, totaling over $68,800 in mosquito relief
- DynaTrap presented a donation, totaling over $68,800 in mosquito relief
- DynaTrap presented a donation, totaling over $68,800 in mosquito relief
- DynaTrap presented a donation, totaling over $68,800 in mosquito relief
- Beth SalamoneMichelle Reese,
- Michelle Reese, Margi Cross & friends
- Michelle Reese & Cristini Pudwell & family
- Michelle Reese, Chad Moss, Sandra Moss
- Michelle Reese & Melida Akiti
- Michelle Reese, Cori Flam Meltzer
- Michelle Reese, Mayor Joy Cooper
- Michelle Reese & Lynne Kunins
- Glenna Milberg & Michelle Reese