On October 3, 2014 Pinion Inc. kicked off their annual membership drive at Capital Grill Galleria. The luncheon was chaired by Lisa Scott Founds, Lee Sheffield, Alice Harry and Kitty McGowan with Co-chairs, Brenda Franco and Mirtha Toledo Hackley.
The theme of this year’s luncheon was “Pinion Rocks Kinky Boots”. To celebrate the Broadway smash hit a cocktail named the “Sparkling Stiletto”, provided by Moet Ice, was offered to each arriving guest. Centerpieces that showcased sky high red stilettos were coveted by all, and later were auctioned off as a Fund Raiser. The highlight of the afternoon was a surprise performance of “These Boots Are Made for Walking” by the amazing “Diva” from the night club LIPS!
The luncheon raised over $ 4,000 to assist Special Olympics and their Athletes. Pinion has donated over 2.1 million dollars to Special Olympics since its inception.
Pinion Inc. is a 501 © (3) organization and is an all-volunteer organization, recognized as one of the largest fund raising arms for Special Olympics Broward County. With social events throughout the year, we raise money to support and fund important programs for the individuals with intellectual disabilities in our community.
Please join us at our next events:
Pinion Passion Hour: 5:30 pm, November 4, 2014 @ New River Fine Arts*
Pinions Holiday Gala: December 5, 2014
Pinion Passion Hour is a traveling happy hour event that is held on months when Pinion is not hosting a major event. The cost is $10 for members and $ 15.00 for nonmembers. The fee will entitle you to a complimentary cocktail and appetizers! Please friend us on our face book page Pinion-benefitting Special Olympics to be notified of the next event date/location.
- Lee Sheffield & Barbara B. Corrao
- The Girls!
- Gary & Arlette Spaniak
- Lee Sheffield & Clio Connors
- Clio Connors & Brenda Franco
- guest & Lee Sheffield
- Michelle Tuggle, guest, Irene Yovu, Brenda Franco & Elaine Simmons
- Brenda Franco, Irene Yovu & Elaine Simmons
- Brenda Franco, Linda Danoff, Anne Allen, Jane Brand-Eagon, Lee Sheffield & Valerie Kowanetz
- Charles Kowanetz
- Valerie & Charles Kownaetz
- Debbie Day & Lee Sheffield
- Debbie Day & Robert Boehning
- Robert Boehning
- Linda Mills
- Decor
- “Diva”, MJ Castro & Lisa Scott Founds
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva”
- “Diva”
- Nancy Block
- Doug & Jane Brand-Eagon
- Sondra Dane, Lisa Scott-Founds, Barbara Hubbard & Dawn Read
- Sondra Dane, Lisa Scott-Founds, Barbara Hubbard & Dawn Read
- Sondra Dane, Lisa Scott-Founds, Barbara Hubbard & Dawn Read – not looking at the photographer
- Sondra Dane, Lisa Scott-Founds, Barbara Hubbard, Dawn Read, Paul Salerullo & Lee Sheffield
- Lee Sheffield, Lisa Scott-Founds & Alice Harry
- Lee Sheffield, Lisa Scott-Founds & Alice Harry
- Lee Sheffield, Lisa Scott-Founds, Linda Danoff & Alice Harry
- Lee Sheffield, Lisa Scott-Founds, Linda Danoff & Alice Harry
- Lisa Scott-Founds, Linda Mills, Lee Sheffield & Alice Harry
- Karina Matysin & Elaine Simmons
- Karina Matysin
- Guest, Sonya Mayo, Arlette Spaniak & Leslie Fischer
- Paul Salerullo & Patricia Keerson
- Lee Sheffield & Cathy Danielle
- Lee Sheffield, Cathy Danielle & Ginny Fujino
- Lee Sheffield, Sonja Mayo & Cathy Danielle
- Clio Connors
- Jacqueline Johnston, Linda Danoff & Clio Connors
- Micki Clark Scavone, Lisa Scott-Founds & guest
- Linda Spaulding-White, Lee Sheffield & Nancy Block
- Margarethe Sorensen, Lee Sheffield, Sonja Mayo & Nancy Block
- Margarethe Sorensen, Lee Sheffield, Sonja Mayo & Nancy Block
- Table Decor
- Table Decor
- Table Decor
- Table Decor
- Alice Harry, “Diva” & Lisa Scott-Founds
- Kitty McGowan, Lee Sheffield, “Diva” & Alice Harry
- Kitty McGowan, Lee Sheffield, “Diva” & Alice Harry
- Lisa Scott-Founds, Kitty McGowan, Lee Sheffield, “Diva” & Alice Harry
- Lisa Scott-Founds, Kitty McGowan, Lee Sheffield, “Diva” & Alice Harry
- “Diva” & Ginny Fujino
- “Diva” & Ginny Fujino
- “Diva”, Alice Harry & Lee Sheffield
- “Kinky Boots”
- Linda Spaulding White, Lee Sheffield
- Moet & Bartender
- Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- Valerie Peru & “Diva”
- Margarethe Sorensen & “Diva”
- Raffle
- Raffle
- Valerie Peru,Carolyn Burns, Jill Pearson & irene Short
- Decor
- BACK: Sondra Dane, Rose Wheatley & friends
- SEATED: “Diva” & Robert Bohning – STANDING: Margarethe Sorensen, Ginny Fujino, Irene Yovu & Julia Delaney
- Cheers
- Julie Sack & Kitty McGowan
- “Diva”
- Linda Danoff, Jim McGruder, Douglas & Anne Allen
- Nancy Block & Jane Brand-Eagon
- “Diva”
- Sondra Dane & “Diva”
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- “Diva” & Lee Sheffield
- Kitty McGowan, Brenda Franco, Barbara Hubbard, “Diva”, Alice Harry, Lee Sheffield & Alyssa Lovitt
- Kitty McGowan, Brenda Franco, Barbara Hubbard, “Diva”, Alice Harry, Lee Sheffield & Alyssa Lovitt
- Kitty McGowan, Brenda Franco, Barbara Hubbard, “Diva”, Alice Harry, Lee Sheffield & Alyssa Lovitt
- “Diva”
- “Diva”
- “Diva”
- “Diva”
- “Diva”
- “Diva”
- “Diva”
- “Diva”
- “Diva”
- “Diva”
- Auction Item
- Kitty McGowan, Alice Harry, Lisa Scott-Founds, Lee Sheffield, & “Diva”
- Kitty McGowan, Alice Harry, Lisa Scott-Founds, Lee Sheffield, & “Diva”
- Kinkiest Boot winner Sonya Mayo w/”Dive”
- Kinkiest Boot winner Sonya Mayo w/”Dive”
- Kitty McGowen, “Diva” & Paul Sallerulo
- Linda Mills, “Diva”, Paul Sallerulo
- Linda Mills, “Diva”, Paul Sallerulo
- Debbie Day, “Diva”, Bobbi Wigand